Sunday, March 22, 2009

10 Principles of Beautiful Photography

Wow I have a lot of reading for you today! I hope you have a coffee, a stiff drink, and/or some good music to accompany you!

First, my new photo today is entitled "The Verdant Bough". The photo was shot at this really cool place in Wyoming I found while running around Yellowstone with my rig. I'm glad I didn't fall down that cliff while shooting, but I guess that goes without saying.

Second, I had an article posted today in Smashing Magazine. It was originally titled 10 Principles of Beautiful Photography. That links here to my website, or you can visit the Smashing Magazine as well, although it's filled with a negative nancies down at the bottom with their own flavor of commentary. No worries... I have a thick skin and I enjoy all kinds of feedback. Both articles are the same, but I like the one here on the site a little since I think the photos are best appreciated in their larger size. The eye needs to surf across them to accept all the light levels and not let your brain reject them. It's a longer diatribe... but part of the reason this blog is soooo wide... 900 pixels across for each shot.